Thursday, June 25, 2009

What's Your Number One Fat Loss Question For London's Leading Personal Trainer?

I had over nearly 400 applications for my new 30lbs in 30 days program which started Monday.

I could only choose 29.

They're doing amazingly well already with inches dropping like crazy and some people over 6lbs down already.

Since monday!

Not bad huh?

But it's gotten me thinking about all those people I didn't choose. Nearly 400 of them who badly wanted in on the program but didn't get a place. And it made me think about how I should help them a little more.

So here goes!

I want to know what your number one fat loss question is. I'm going to answer it for you so that you're able to start getting great results just like my 30 in 30 group.

In fact, I promise you that I'm going to answer ALL of the questions you send me.

ALL of them, even if there are hundreds.

So now there's no excuse.

No reason not to get your results.

Just send me your question in the comment section below and i'll get to answering it.

Do it now! : )

Dax Moy

The UK's Leading Personal Trainer


Anon said...

hi Dax

That's such a great thing that you are doing with the three weeks of free personal training. In you blog you said that we could ask you any question. I have a question for you, what is the best exercise for fat loss?


cg said...

OK Dax, I was one of the applicants but did not get accepted. I have a different issue. I am a 52 yr old male wanting to lose that last 10 pounds and 5 to 6% body fat. I have 2 months to do it. What is the best combination eating program and exercise program to achieve those results?

Steppenwolf said...

Hello Dax

First of all I'd like to thank you for all your efforts, your great sharing and the motivation you're offering. After about 20 months of an eating disorder which led to depression I've finally found pleasure in life again... And a big part is thanks to you and your Magic!
So I'd only like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your life's work and congratulate you for the belief in yourself! You're a true "friend"! All the best to you and your family, thanks a million

char said...

The standard formula I see for fat loss is a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories for each pound of fat. Hence if you have a 500 calorie a day deficit, you lose a pound a week. Do you agree with this formula? And if so, how can a person lose 1 pound a day or a 3,500 calorie a day deficit?

Ronald David said...

Hey Dax, I was wondering, What are 2 or 3 of the best exercises that help you get trim assuming your eating right?

KellySuzy said...

Dax! You're nuts! And it's great-
Now, here we go...
My question about getting in shape FAST is:

Can this be a healthy lifestyle approach, and lasting?

I am jumping BACK on the weight loss wagon after a "sabbatical" and feel more invigorated than ever- and, as everyone is, am eager to see and feel results.

Did I win?!!?

Thanks for the emails and enthusiasm/energy!

PatrĂ­cia Grade said...

Hi there Dax, so... yeah, I was one of the not chosen ones and my number one question is as follows... I've been through your ellimination diet and am going to start a second run of it startin july 1st. So, the nutrition part for me is not the problem, altough I do seem to have to control my cravings a little bit, but... and here comes the real question, I've started exercisizing every day, including saturdays and sundays, but, I don't really know what to do when. My program is, mondays, wednesdays, fridays and sundays a 30m run and 30m walk, and all the other days I do some bodyweight workouts and some streghth training for about 45m. Whenever I can I go for some yoga, not nearly as much as I wanted and needed to, but even so, I was wondering, am I doing the right thing, am I doing it right, am I doing enough?

Thanx for being there when we need you and just wanted to tell you people have told me I look much better and that since I've been through the ED... And I feel much better too!


Unknown said...

Hi Dax,
I followed your elimination diet last winter and managed to shift 6kg( I don't do pounds), which was absolutely fabulous, and in hindsight relatively painless. There were some remarkable health benefits too, as I had been suffering from fatigue for over 10 years, and the detox combined with high protein diet really seemed to shift the fatigue.

I have relaxed with the diet a little but have managed to keep most if the weight off.

My question is this: I still manage to accumulate or hold onto fat around my inner thighs and backs of the arms. I read one of your earlier posts about "muffin tops" and how this accumulation of fat around the trunk was related to hormones. Is this the same for these notoriously difficult to shift areas also?

Thanks in advance


Unknown said...

Hi Dax,
I followed your elimination diet last winter and managed to shift 6kg( I don't do pounds), which was absolutely fabulous, and in hindsight relatively painless. There were some remarkable health benefits too, as I had been suffering from fatigue for over 10 years, and the detox combined with high protein diet really seemed to shift the fatigue.

I have relaxed with the diet a little but have managed to keep most if the weight off.

My question is this: I still manage to accumulate or hold onto fat around my inner thighs and backs of the arms. I read one of your earlier posts about "muffin tops" and how this accumulation of fat around the trunk was related to hormones. Is this the same for these notoriously difficult to shift areas also?

Thanks in advance


Unknown said...

I just want to say a huge thank you for taking on your guinea pigs. My better half, Liz Roddis, was one of the lucky ones. After several years battling with her weight the "old" Liz is coming back bit by bit. After only 4 days into the programme I can see a huge difference already. Not only does she look fabulous (in my eyes she always did) but she has her spark back, the spark I fell in love with. I can't express enough how proud I am of her. She has embraced this challenge like she does everything else in her life, head on, with complete determination. She has an incredibly stressful job with vast responsibility and it would have been so easy for her to come up with many excuses; "now isn't the time", "I'll do it when its more convenient" but she never once considered that.

Thank you again and the best of luck to all you other guinea pigs out there.

Unknown said...

Hi Dax

This is a great opportunity, thanks.

I am determined to get back to my preferred fitness level where i was a few years back.

Since being forced into early retirement from semi pro football i have been going backwards. I am a member of the local gym and train regularly but am not seeing the results i desire.

I am looking for the motivation and guidance to get back on track and maintain the fitness level.

I am looking for all round fitness of cardio and strength training.

Please help!

Mark L

Serbenilly said...

I have polycystic ovaries and have been under the dr for the last 8 months to try and loose the weight that I have put on to no avail. Basically my Dr has now said lump it. Do you feel one of your weight lose /exercise programes could help. P.s. should mention just hit the Big 40 Thanks

Kevin Yates said...

Hey Dax,

You mentioned that your "lose 30 lbs in 30 days" clients are NOT counting calories and such. So, my question is how are they getting great results. It would seem to me that there would be lots of trial and error for most people to find their correct intake. What's the catch?

By the way, great post on article writing.

Thanks Dax,
Kevin Yates

R said...

OK Dax, now you're really driving me crazy.
First you don't pick me for 30in30 :)

Then you say you're going to answer any questions on fat loss.

Answer me this one.
Medication and weight loss - what do you do if you're on medication that inhibits weight loss?

My nutrition is tight, I've got a good workout plan, I try and rotate them every 4-6wks.
Its just very frustrating but I'm not about to suck it up, there must be some way round this?

keep up the good work.

Andrea said...

My question is what workouts are the guinea pigs doing 3x per day? I see each is different. There is some density measurements and matrices, all very scientific sounding! Working out has always been the tough part for me, just getting the motivation to get off my duff and do it! The eating, the elimination diet is no problem, I have been eating more or less that way for a couple of years now. Cheers!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Dax, I wasn't picked for being a guinea pig in your 30 day quest, but I really have a burning question : Is the program you're doing help me lose fat, gain muscle and vitality even if my hormonal system is screwed up ? Insuline, testostreon, estrogen, thyroid, cortisol : they're all off balance.
I think your elimination diet, with proper lifestyle changes should do the trick. Do you agree on this ?
Hope to hear from you soon.

Louise Wedgwood said...

Hi Dax, thanks for your generous offer for us all to ask any questions!

Mine is this: what you do when you know a lot about what foods to eat and what not to eat, and what exercise to do and find it easy to do the exercise but can't seem to stay on track with the eating?

I am (along with others I know who are well educated on nutrition and exercise) forever getting on and off the wagon and just can't seem to consistently eat the way I want myself to eat!

VivRichards said...

Hi Dax,

Another guinea pig applicant here! I'm following the progress of your chosen folk, and I want to thank you so much for all you have offered so far. I'm following your elimination diet, and doing two little workouts a day, five days a week, and fasting 24 hours once a week. Those workouts are 20 mins of weight training and 20 mins of interval cardio.

My question is about the timing of these workouts. Should the workouts be 10 mins of interval cardio and 10 mins of resistance training each (making up 20 mins total, twice a day), or is it best to keep them as they are; that is, 20min resistance and then another workout 20min of cardio? OR should they both just be resistance only? I suppose the best way to ask this in one question is: If I have 40 mins a day five days a week for exercise, which workout type is the best one for fat loss, in terms of time (2x20mins, or even 1x40mins), and content (resistance and/or cardio)?

I really appreciate your time.

Flourishingly yours,


VivRichards said...

Hi Dax,

Another guinea pig applicant here! I'm following the progress of your chosen folk and I want to thank you so much for all the advice you have offered so far. I'm following your elimination diet and doing a 20 min workout twice a day. (I'm fasting 24 hours once a week too, carefully). I'm a bit sore but I'm getting GREAT results so far (in just one week!). I want to ask a general question about my workouts.

Currently, I do 20 mins of bodyweight resistance training and then another workout of 20 mins interval cardio, and I go pretty hard both times, working up a sweat. But perhaps this should be 40 mins at once of just cardio, or just resistance, alternating days? Or 10 min cardio and 10 min resistance, twice a day? In one question: Given that I have 40 mins a day 5 days a week for exercise, and that my aim is fat loss and slowly building muscle and tone, what is the very best way to distribute that workout time in terms of length of workout (2x20 min, 1x40min) and composition (resistance and/or cardio)?

THANKS again for letting us ask you a question, I really appreciate the time you are taking. I'm cheering you and your guinea pigs on from the sidelines!

In gratitude,


Terry said...

Hi Dax,
I wasn't picked for the 30 in 30, so I started the ED on Monday June 22 at 181 lbs. I stopped eating the bad stuff and only ate the good stuff (unless I missed something in ignorance, but I don't think so). I lost 2 lbs the first day and it has just kept dropping. As of the morning, Saturday June 27, I have dropped to 172.5lbs! That's 8.5 lbs. in 5 days! I feel great! Have not needed my medicine for acid reflux that I used to take every day! I still have cravings for junk food (pop, chips, chocolate, ice cream), but my desire to follow through is greater! By the way...I haven't started any exersize program yet, although my work is fairly manual. Where is all this weight loss coming from? I realize some of it is probably water retention, but is it all?

Many thanks,

rubydo said...

Hi Dax,

thanks so much for your support - you came along when i was struggling the most.. now i'm on ur plans and it gets easier everyday.

i have noticed that cutting food (rather drastically) for my evening meal makes such a huge, positive, difference to my weight loss program. so my question to u is -

is there an evening time limit to when we should try to avoid eating food? or is it a case of eating at any time but making sure we limit the type of food consumption? (and if so, then what type of food should we focus on only eating at night?). apologies..that might be more than 1 question!

thanks so much - look forward to hearing your feed back soon! Ruby

Unknown said...

Hi Dax,

Thank you for this offer. My question is: when will this information be available to the public?

I am starting the Elimination diet the 1st of July, and would love access to the workouts/exercises of the selected 29 to duplicate their results.

I understand that you will be selling the program once the 30 days are over. Perhaps I could buy it now.

Thanks for everything.

The Bockisch Family said...

How is it phyically posible to lose 1 lb per day for 30 days?

VivRichards said...

Hey Dax,
Long time, no hear - I hope everything is okay? I'm really looking forward to your answers to our fat loss questions. I know you must be very busy!

Viv aka Ashes2009.