Thursday, January 31, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Positive thinking. Not all that it’s cracked up to be?

London Personal Trainer | Positive thinking. Not all that it’s cracked up to be?

Most people would associate Personal Trainers with having a positive mind-set. Among many other qualities projecting positivity to our clients is a tool we use time and time again. Well most trainers will tell you that but I’m not always sure it's the right approach.

A Champion attitude and the discipline of a Shaolin warrior both stem from a mind-set free of negative thoughts and full of

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | 5 Ways to promote faster recovery after exercise.

Post workout recovery is vitally important to fitness and health progression, but you probably already knew that. It is spoken of time and time again by fitness professionals, people down the gym.

Post workout recovery is a critical part of any training or fitness program because our bodies are extremely responsive to receiving and using the nutrients we provide it at this time, enabling us to successfully recover and progress stronger and improved for future challenges and workouts.


London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Pre Ski Season Conditioning Training

London Personal Trainer
Pre Ski Season Conditioning Training

The Ski season is upon us and quiteoften my clients have compalined about the Doms they get after their first day of skiing and say how knackering it is at first.


So I put together a pre ski conditioning routine together about 3 years ago. I have used it and tweaked it over the last 3 years with my clients and thay have always reported big improvements over the previous year's holiday.

Part of this

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 28

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 28

Well, here we are at day 28 of my chunky to hunky recovery!

4 weeks down already... hard to believe, right?

So, what's been going on in the world of Dax?

Crazy busy-ness... that's what!

I'm in the middle of creating new products, programs, running courses, seminars, workshops, managing over 1100 people in my January Jumpstart program, over a 1000 personal trainers in my combined groups, my mentoring students and coaching

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Your Sleep Solution Soundtrack

London Personal Trainer
Your Sleep Solution Soundtrack


Ok, so I've been getting so many PM's on facebook after my recent series of posts on sleep, asking me HOW it was possible to get to sleep when you're already struggling that I decided to do something about it for you (you know me, I don't like to hang about) :)
Anyway, what I've created is a track designed to guide you through a pre-sleep 'chillout ritual' complete with instructions from me, subliminal

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | More On Natural Vs Normal

London Personal Trainer | More On Natural Vs Normal

In yesterday's post I asked if you were abnormal and put forward a case for living a life that was less conformist, more outside the box and MUCH more authentic to your true self.
Today let's take that idea a little further with another short excerpt from my forthcoming book 'The Gift'...
'One of the major reasons why people never get around to opening the box and claiming The Gift is that they have accepted the social

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Excerpt From Dax Moy's New Book... 'The Gift'

So, I'm back in the zone for my newest book 'The Gift' which is probably the only spiritual book you'll ever read which starts with the words.... "A long time ago in a galaxy far away". I know, weird, but that's me :)

This is going to be the most important work I've ever done and will, I'm certain, change lives in dramatic ways. You'll see!

Anyway, just wanted to share a section with you that relates more to the health and fitness and body image

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Friday, January 25, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Are YOU Abnormal??

London Personal Trainer | Are YOU Abnormal??

Just because it's normal doesn't mean it's natural.
We forget that very important distinction sometimes.
A LOT of the time actually.
We start to look at what everyone else is eating and model our eating on theirs and say that our choices are normal.
Yet that 'normal' has created bodies that are soft, weak, in pain and representing a mere fraction of what they are truly capable of.
We hear how everyone else is talking and behaving and

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer
Here's How Stress Steals Your Slim
Stress, we all know it's a killer, right?
But did you know it was a killer or RESULTS too? That if you're suffering from stress (including being stressed about not losing weight fast enough) that you can seriously hamper your efforts at getting and staying in great shape?
No, not many people do, yet it's true.
Stress is the opposite of results.
It's not about growth and thriving, it's simply about surviving, about

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Super Simple Sleep Solution

London Personal Trainer | Super Simple Sleep Solution

So, in my last post I spoke about the importance of getting both a good quality and quantity of sleep to ensure that you get the right kind of hormone response repair your cells and accelerate your metabolism.
But it's all well and good SAYING that, but what if you can't actually GET to sleep?
Well, if you're one of those people who fall into the category of sleep onset insomniacs who have trouble falling asleep or a sleep

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Super Simple Sleep Solution

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer on: The Slim Environmentalist

London Personal Trainer on: The Slim Environmentalists

Lean and green

While I haven’t previously had any actual data to back up the impression, observation has historically led me to conclude that most serious environmentalists are fairly slim folk. Is it the organic hippie food? The oft meat-free diet? The aversion to automobiles and affinity for bicycles? While these prevalent ‘eat healthy and exercise’ behaviours play a large part in creating the stereotypical skinny hippie,

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Lose 5-7lbs This Week By Sleeping More

London Personal Trainer |Lose 5-7lbS This Week By Sleeping More
Has lack of sleep been stealing YOUR slim?
For as long as I've been educating personal trainers about how to get amazing results for their clients, there's been ONE area above all others that has been hardest to get across and help them to understand in relation to getting amazing results for their clients' health and fitness goals.
You see, most trainers and practically ALL of the public have been trained to

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

London Personal Trainer | 5 Minutes Of Fire | Fat Burning Workout

London Personal Trainer | 5 Minutes Of Fire | Fat Burning Workout

Can you REALLY get a full and through workout in just 5 minutes?

You betcha!

In fact, I'm willing to bet that for most people, 5 minutes will be FAR too much and that they'll be praying for the clock to run out.

Not that the aim of this training session is to create torture, in fact, far from it, but it's just one of those things that tend to happen when you do a lot of work like this in a very short space of

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 22

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 22

Yep, it's day 22 in my 30 day journey from going from chunky to hunky.

Well, chunky to LESS chunky at least, but you've gotta admit, it's a catchy title, right? :)

Anyway, where am I at?

What's happened to me over the last few days?

Are results still coming?

The short answer is that this last week has been a bit nuts for me. I've run a life-coaching course that required me to stay up several late nights in a row and which

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Release The Brakes!

London Personal Trainer | Release The Brakes!


It seems so obvious that when you start with the pursuit of a new goal or resolution that you should give it your all, to 'attack it 100%' to 'go hard or go home' and all that other... stuff... that the well intentioned Mr and Mrs motivator out there have become well known for sharing.
After all, you don't get results by sitting on your butt hoping for them, right?
For sure!
I mean, we all know that hard work

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer reveals the 1 big thing you may be missing in the pursuit of your goals

London Personal Trainer reveals the 1 big thing you may be missing in the pursuit of your goals.

Get over being perfect already! Not something you expect your Personal Trainer to be telling you but trust me it’ll save you some time if you get it off your mind right now. Sorry to be the one to tell you this but it’ll never happen. Chase it and you’ll crash and burn for perfection doesn't exist. Kind of like the coyote trying to catch the roadrunner, it can be a painful and

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer / Feel Fabulous This February

Feel Fabulous February!



So January is slipping away from us. Christmas seems like a dim memory, And for an average of 70% of the population, we will already have failed in our New Year Resolutions, the majority of resolutions being surrounding our, health, weight and general well-being.


So what can you do to make 2013 your best year ever? And start feeling fabulous?


Here’s some simple steps to embrace February feeling amazing, and how to keep

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

London Personal Trainer | 100 Smiles

London Personal Trainer | 100 Smiles


In yesterday's post I shared the idea that scales and tape measures and metrics steal smiles, that as soon as the numbers don't go the right way, you lose your happiness.

It seems to have resonated with a lot of people who said "Yes, that's what happens to me!"

So, what to do about it?

Well, in that post I shared another idea that I believe can really make a difference in terms of finding your happy.

In case you can't remember,

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Training and Nutritional Fallacies.

The health and fitness industry is riddled with training fallacies and myths based on nothing more than emotion and divine faith. Training programs should be based on proven scientific principles, not somebody's unfounded emotional opinions or desire to make some quick money!

Let’s take a look now at some of the more common fallacies and myths.

1) Women who lift weights get big, bulky muscles:
Women do not have the levels of testosterone and human growth hormone required to increase

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Monday, January 21, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Are Your Scales Stealing Your Smiles?

London Personal Trainer | Are Your Scales Stealing Your Smiles?

If you're living a life of slavery to what the numbers on your bathroom scales tell you, then this has been written for you.
If your measuring tape is telling you whether or not you're allowed to be happy or proud of your progress today then this has your name on it.
If you've somehow allowed numbers and metric obsession to govern the quality of your life then PLEASE make sure you watch the video below as I really believe it

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer / Are you stuck in a food rut?

At the start of the New Year, so many of us make resolutions or promises to ourselves to eat healthier, lose weight, get fitter and so on. However, it’s sad but true, but by the 20th January a staggering 70% of people will have failed or given up on these resolutions. But why?

One of the main reasons we slip or fail is we simply lose sight of the goal. We make a resolution based on an end result; a size smaller, a stone lighter, feeling good, but then we simply become focused on the

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Friday, January 18, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 17

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 17



Well, 17 days down and 13 to go!

It's hard to believe how fast the days are going, but as I've been really busy the really do feel like they're flying away... and fast!

This week has been a bit of a crazy week as I've been launching a new product for fitness professionals to help them help more people without resorting to manipulation and cheesiness and focusing more on people than 'lists'... but I digress, that's

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer on Sticking to Your "Diet"

London Personal Trainer on Sticking to your ‘Diet’
Have you heard the saying, ‘you can’t out-train a bad diet’? Well, as much as personal trainers would like to take credit for the dazzling physical transformations that some clients achieve, the truth of the mater can’t be put any more succinctly than that. Those that get brilliant results have mastered the hardest and most effective facet of a successful program - dietary compliance. Becoming one of those success stories

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Self Esteem Part 2 | The Promise Jar

London Personal Trainer | Self Esteem Part 2 | The Promise Jar


Well THAT took me by surprise, I can tell you!

I though that people would connect with my self esteem video but the connection to it was far greater than I could ever have expected, propelling the page that the post is on to page 2 of Google in less than 24 hours due to all the comments and 'like's and views and shares it got.

(The original self esteem article is HERE)

For that, I thank you SO much!


London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer| 6 tips for iron-clad self discipline

If you fall off the workout wagon, you’re likely to fall headfirst. Here’s how to steel your self-discipline for any challenge.

When I train clients, I can usually tell right away whether they'll reach their fitness goals. No, I don't have special trainer ESP; I can tell by the strength of my clients' self-discipline. Without self-discipline, a person can train hard, but will likely be inconsistent. Temptations to opt out of a workout or eating bad food always lurk, and without

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Why I LOVE being a Trainer and doing what I do

Hey there. Thought I’d take a different approach to my latest article so, instead of writing about health, fitness and well being, I'd talk about a subject that has changed my life.

why I love being a trainer.

My journey to become a trainer started years ago when, like a lot of people out there I wanted to lose weight, feel better about myself and just improve my health. I wanted to lose around 25kg of weight so started a training and nutrition pro-gramme at a gym and got going. Like

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

4 Ways to Tighten up and Loose Fat without Exercise By Adam Doran


4 ways to tighten up and lose fat without exercise

By Adam Doran


Ok so this isn’t an article telling you not to exercise! Because I want you to exercise!,

Its just With many of my clients, friends and family a lot of their confusions on their programmes is stuff like “ I’ve been training flat out every day , but still can’t feel or see any difference” or “ive been sticking to the metabolic dvd I bought , but still no change??

This is just one of the

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Super-Simple Self Esteem

London Personal Trainer | Super-Simple Self Esteem

Self esteem is a MAJOR topic in the realms of personal training for health and fitness.
Pretty much everyone has an opinion on what self-esteem is, how it affects us and what means to our wider lives to be 'inflicted' with this cursed mental condition, yet few trainers I've met seem to have any real idea about how to actively improve the situation for someone whose self esteem is in negative balance.
Oh, there are PLENTY of nice

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

London Personal Trainer | What Are You About?

London Personal Trainer | What Are You About?

What are you about?

Do you REALLY know?

Over the years I've noticed that those people who were really, really clear about who they were, what they were about, where they wanted to get to and the 'rules' for how they were going to get there have always been the people who seem to achieve the most and go through life the happiest and with an air of confident expectation.

By contrast, I've noticed that those who were less

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 13

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 10
So, here I am at day 13 of my chunky to hunky experiment.

To date I've lost 4.5kg (not bad) but haven't really shifted much weight in nearly 4 day now (only about .5kg), yet the inches are still dropping, my trousers and training shorts are getting loose and my lovehandles while still definitely there, are far, far less than they were just 2 short weeks ago.

All in all I'm pleased, particularly as my weekend was almost wiped out due to a

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Monday, January 14, 2013

London Personal Trainer | 7 Minute Fat Loss Workout

London Personal Trainer | 7 Minute Fat Loss Workout



Fancy a super-simple fat burning workout that won't take forever to complete yet which will still have a GREAT metabolic effect?

Ok, seeing as you asked! :)

Here's the deal, I call it the '7 Minute Sizzler' and you'll soon see why.

It's based around performing 7 exercises back to back as a continuous circuit of 10 reps per exercise until all 7 minutes are complete.

Sounds easy, right?

But if you work hard

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Top Fatloss Tips From Top Fatloss Trainers

London Personal Trainer | Top Fatloss Tips From Top Fatloss Trainers


Well, here's a bit of a different one...
Usually it's ME doing all the mad ramblings on my site but today I thought I'd let others do it :)
I thought I'd get together a bunch of GREAT personal trainers, coaches and fat loss experts and have THEM share THEIR top 3 favourite fatloss tips, the ones they use with their own clients to get results.
As you'll see from the article, there's a LOT of great stuff

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Busting Your Fatloss Plateaus

London Personal Trainer | Busting Your Fatloss Plateaus



Most of the time fat loss and weight loss plateaus are not truly plateaus. They are a reflection of not necessarily paying 100% attention to all of the factors related to getting the results we're looking for.

Sure, at the start of our efforts we're focused and on track yet day-by-day just a little bit of that focus shifts, or should I say 'slips'?

At the start we're dotting i's and crossing T's but over time

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Why Motivation Doesn't Work

London Personal Trainer | Why Motivation Doesn't Work

One of the most common questions I get about accomplishing health, fitness and other goals relates to motivation.
People often ask why it is that they can start a new endeavour with 100% excitement and certainty that they will FINALLY see their goal through to completion and, perhaps more importantly, STAY there instead of doing the usual 'yo-yo dance' that most people get into.
It seems puzzling at first sight and most personal

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | James Kahan's Story

London Personal Trainer | James Kahan's Story


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London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer on Women and the Weightlifting Fallacy

Strong is the new black

London Personal Trainer on Women and the Weightlifting Fallacy

Hopefully by now you've all received the memo; strong is the new thin. Or black. Or whatever trendy adjective you would like to insert.

But historically, the first response I've gotten from female clients on the subject has been, "but... I don't want to get big."

While I'd love to get into the gender politics and cultural climate that have fostered the idea that ladies shouldn't look strong,

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Is This The Moment?

London Personal Trainer | Is This The Moment?


Well, is it?

If it is, what are you going to do about it?

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | How To Shop Healthily On Elimination Diet

London Personal Trainer | How To Shop Healthily On Elimination Diet

You know, when people first start the elimination diet their first concern is whether or not there will still be enough variety and choice in their diet.
Silly, I know. After all, even though it seems like getting rid of wheat, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, sugar and processed foods means that there's going to be very little left to eat, the reality is, there's PLENTY!
I mean, we didn't always eat the way we do now did

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Is That REALLY Your Best?

London Personal Trainer | Is That REALLY Your Best?

Much of the time we convince ourselves that we're doing our best to get the results we want in life, not just physically but emotionally, financially and in our relationships too.

We talk of 'doing our best' but is that really true?

In fact, do we even know what our best really ?

Most don't, because they've never defined 'best' and instead settle for those whiny-voiced assertions that "I'm doing my BEST!!!" only

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Friday, January 11, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 10

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 10
Well, we're at day 10 of my chunky to hunky 'rehab' which means I have 9 days completed and behind me (still on the 10th) and am nearly 1/3rd of the way through the 30 day's I've allowed for myself to not only get back in shape but to DRAMATICALLY surpass my original condition.
It's been an interesting 9 days so far.
Interesting because it's been one of the easiest and most enjoyable transformations I've undergone (I'm under no

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

London Personal Trainer | It&#039;s Never Too Late!

London Personal Trainer | It's Never Too Late!

It's NEVER too late to be what you could have been.

The sand in the hourglass hasn't run out.

The clock hasn't stopped ticking.

You're not too old or 'too far gone'.

It's NEVER too late.

What have YOU been telling yourself it's too late for?

What do you think now?

C'mon, spill the beans :)

Truth, joy and love


Dax Moy

London Personal

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Inspiration For Your Perspiration

London Personal Trainer | Inspiration For Your Perspiration
I've always enjoyed those training montages in Karate Kid and Rocky and all those other sports and fight movies.

They always get me a little excited and up for hitting the workout just a little harder.

Well, this compilation is a bit different. Inspiration for your perspiration for sure, but a few funnies in there in places just to keep it all a little bit lighthearted and fun.

Take a look... and tell me what YOU favourite

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

The Impossible | What Living Through The Tsunami Taught Me About Living A Great Life

The Impossible | What Living Through The Tsunami Taught Me About Living A Great Life

The release of the new film 'The Impossible' has really got me reflecting upon my own Tsunami experience again.
To be honest, it's hard to believe that it was 8 years ago already, but still to this day I live with the amazing lessons that that day taught me about living a good and productive life and doing your best to help others.
Not a day passes when a lesson learned doesn't show up in my

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

London Personal Trainer | The Most Important Nutrition Tip For Fat Loss

London Personal Trainer | The Most Important Nutrition Tip For Fat Loss

You know, most personal trainers tend to talk about fat loss from the perspective of eating less and moving more.

A rare few talk about hormones and metabolism.

Fewer still talk about the affect that the attention you give your food DURING the act of eating has on on the 'big picture' of fat loss.

It's FAR more important than you think!

Not only do very important enzymatic reactions only take place

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 8 Reveal

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 8 Reveal

Day 1 Video HERE

Day 2 Video HERE

Day 3 Video HERE

Day 6 Video HERE

Day 7 Video HERE


Ok, so I'm at the day 8 point, so I've completed 7 days of my chunky to hunky plan to recover from piling on those pounds from my 'get fat' experiment.

Today I'm still chunky but far LESS chunky than I was on day 1 at just over 4kg reduction in overall weight since I started. And I'm really FEELING a difference too in terms of

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

London Personal Trainer | 4 Minute Fat Burn #1

London Personal Trainer | 4 Minute Fat Burn #1

Here's another simple, short yet seriously effective fat loss program that we call MELTDOWN training.

It's a simple 20:10 pattern of exercise superset that many trainers like to call 'Tabata' but they are not. Tabata is a vicious, MAXIMUM intensity training cycle which has most people on their knees.

Don't worry, you're not going to work anywhere near as hard but you SHOULD still push it (as long as technique is good) so that you're

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | 6 Minute Fat Burn Workout

London Personal Trainer | 6 Minute Fat Burn Workout

Ok, so here's the deal, this POWER circuit is one of the in-house routines we use to get fantastic results for our clients during their time with us.

Yes, it looks easy, no there's no weights but don't let that fool you, this routine is a pretty powerful one (excuse the pun!) :)

Now, normally, clients are asked to start at about 30-40 reps and build up but we're going to do this a little differently.

I'm simply going to ask you

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 7 Reveal

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 7 Reveal
Day 1 Video HERE

Day 2 Video HERE

Day 3 Video HERE

Day 6 Video HERE


Well, I'm at day 7 of my chunky to hunky journey and am just over 4kg down in weight and 1 1/2" smaller in the waist.

Not bad for 6 days (this video is shot at lunchtime on day 7) methinks?

What about you?

What do you think, see anything yet?

I think it's happening, don't you?



London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Monday, January 07, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Short and Sweet, The Fastest Way To Fat Loss

London Personal Trainer | Short and Sweet, The Fastest Way To Fat Loss


Still think your epic training sessions on cardio equipment is the best way to burn fat?

Still think that you need 40-60 minutes to make a real impact?

Think again!

Here's how you can burn SERIOUS fat in as little as 20 minutes a day as long as you split it up into multiple sessions.

Keep 'em short and sweet! :)


Well, what do YOU think?

Agree? Disagree?

Leave me a comment and

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 6

London Personal Trainer | Chunky To Hunky Day 6

Well, here we are at day 6 and with 5 days complete I'm pleased to announce that I've shifted the first 4kg of my 7kg gain.

Not bad, right?

Now, I'm certainly not claiming that's 4kg of FAT loss, there's a lot of water in that too, but still, I gained 7kg and lost 4kg in 5 days so I'm happy.

The video shows today's reveal and at the end shows comparison pictures from days 1,2,3 and 6 (I didn't upload at the

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Sunday, January 06, 2013

London Personal Trainer | Biggest Fatloss Mistake

London Personal Trainer | Biggest Fatloss Mistake


What are the biggest mistake you can make when trying to lose fat?


Now look, don't lose heart if you HAVE dropped the ball or had a few little slip ups. The aim of this isnot to make you feel bad, but rather, to hit you with a bit of reality.

That reality is?

Until you are at or close to your goal, the best approach you can take is to become 100% compliant in your approach to... whatever you're doing.


London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Friday, January 04, 2013

London Personal Trainer | How I Got Fat [Day 3 Of Recovery]

London Personal Trainer | How I Got Fat

Day 1 Video HERE

Day 2 Video HERE

Ok so I'm now at day 3 of my 30 day recovery from my 'eating normal' experiment where I piled on over 7kg of fat (most of it around my middle) and change has started.

Last night was the night of HEAVY headache, hot sweats, incessant peeing and general feeling of interrupted sleep despite getting to bed on time. This is, believe it or not, al a good sign. It means that I'm detoxing and that my metabolism is

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Thursday, January 03, 2013

London Personal Trainer Reveals The Pear Shaped Woman&#039;s Solution

In all my years as a personal trainer in London, the one area that has come up again and again with my female clients is the whole 'tow sized syndrome' of the pear shaped body. Larger lower body and smaller upper body leading to body image issues even once the weight has been lost.
So I got together earlier this year with Pear Shape Solution author and expert Jenni Clark and we rambled on about what can be done about the problem and what resulted was a GREAT hour long solution to pear shaped

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer - Simple Elimination Diet Nutrition Tips

London Personal Trainer - Simple Elimination Diet Nutrition Tips


Hey there!

Want to get the maximum benefit from your 30 day challenge experience?

Then watch this short video and start using these handful of tips and your

results are guaranteed!




What do YOU think?

What other tips would YOU

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

London Personal Trainer - How I Got Fat 30 Day Recovery Plan - Day 2

London Personal Trainer - How I Got Fat 30 Day Recovery Plan - Day 2

Yesterday I shared my story of how my 12 week experiment with 'normal' eating made me fat and how I'm now in a 30 day recovery phase to get my body back in order.

Here I am on day 2 after a day of clean eating and exercise.

Still fat (as you'll see with my top off) but change starting

London Personal Trainer Reveals...

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

London Personal Trainer Shares &quot;How I Got Fat&quot;

London Personal Trainer Shares "How I Got Fat"

What happens when you drop off of the ED and 'eat normally' for 12 weeks?

I didn't DELIBERATELY set out to get fat, I didn't double my calories, stop training or live on chocolate bars but I DID eat the way most people would eat... and here's the

London Personal Trainer Reveals...